Deleting a Revision

This article covers how to delete a lease revision

Once a revision has been created in LeaseCrunch, the My Leases screen shows two (or more) versions of the same lease with the revision numbers noted.

Note: Sorting the Revision column will help you find the lease and it's Revision.

Revision 1 is the original Lease and Revision 2 (or 3 or 4, etc) is the Revisions on the same lease. 

If changes need to be made to the original terms of the lease, the revision should be deleted before those changes can be made. Click on the "Delete" icon to the left of the revision to permanently delete it. If the revision will be re-added later, it may be helpful to export the All Lease Data report for the revision prior to deleting. 

With the revision deleted, the data in the original lease terms will be unlocked, allowing you click the edit pencil to make changes to the original lease terms.  

When the original version of the lease is accurate, the revision can be re-added.