1. Knowledge Base
  2. For Firms
  3. Firms: How to Use LeaseCrunch

How do I add firm users?

From the Firm Account Screen, select Users can be added to LeaseCrunch by Firm Administrators.

Firm name is shown in the upper right corner.

  1. Navigate to the Users tab
  2. Click the green Invite button (Firms using SSO will contact their IT Department to add additional users. The green Invite button will not be shown.)
  3. Enter Email address, First Name and Last Name, then select a Role
    1. Firm Administrator: User has all permissions at both the Firm level and Client Level
    2. Firm User: User is read only at the Firm level. User has all permissions (i.e. Client Administrator Role) at the Client level.
    3. Firm Read Only: User is read only at the Firm level and Client level.
  4. Click Invite. 
  5. User will receive an email to verify account and create password. 

More information about permissions for each Role is shown below:

Permissions with text hyperlinked

For a list of permissions for different roles at the Client Account level, see FASB / IFRS or GASB Help Guidance.