A user is unable to login to LeaseCrunch

Check to see if the user account has been activated. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Administration - Users
  2. Review the user status: If the user in question still has an envelope icon in the Action column, the user account has not been activated.
    1. Resend the Invitation by clicking the envelope.
    2. An invitation will be sent by the system to the user. 

      Note: The user should check their spam folder in the event the email was not found in their inbox. 
  3. If the user has no envelope in the Action column, they can navigate to the following and use the Reset Password link. The user will receive an email with instructions to reset their password.  
    Demo Environment demo.leasecrunch.com/Account/Login
    Live Environment my.leasecrunch.com/Account/Login